
Are you curious about what we do? We offer you insights into our world and that of our clients, provide practical tips and bring you news and topics relating to leadership and change.


A small group of individuals with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and a common approach for which they are mutually accountable.

COX Cooking

Pumpkin quiche with feta

Dysfunctions of a team

Lack of trust

A lack of trust is shown by the fact that team members are not willing to open up to each other.

Shying away from conflict

Aversion to conflict is evident in the fact that unfiltered and passionate debates of ideas are only possible with difficulty .

Lack of commitment

A lack of commitment is shown by the fact that team members do not openly contribute their viewpoints to discussions and therefore hardly ever support decisions with commitment.

Shying away from responsibility

Shying away from responsibility is characterised by a lack of commitment and genuine consent.

Lack of results-orientation

A lack of results-orientation can be seen in the fact that the needs of the individual or department are placed above the group goals of the team.

5 questions for your weekly reflection

No. 01

How well was I able to focus on my goals last week? What steps can I take to be even more focussed next week?

No. 02

What was particularly important to me last week? What could I do this week to better align myself with my values?

No. 03

What have I achieved in the past week? And why? What is the goal I need to achieve next week?

No. 04

Who played a decisive role last week? Why? Which person should be at the centre next week to strengthen my focus on purpose, values and goals?

No. 05
What have I learnt this week? How could I incorporate what I have learnt into my practice next week?

Promoting transparency in teams: Elephants, Dead Fish & Vomit >


Obvious but unpleasant topics that are in the air and that nobody wants to talk about. Addressing these helps to avoid misunderstandings and create clarity.

Dead Fish

Past issues or conflicts that have been discussed but not resolved. These need to be identified and buried in order to eliminate negative emotions and tensions in the team.


The expression of frustrations or negative feelings that have built up. This allows team members to voice their concerns and complaints without fear of repercussions, which clarifies and strengthens the team dynamic.

Flora Otahal

The Seeking System drives us to constantly discover new things and develop ourselves further.

Definition of ‘teams’ >>

No. 01

Teams are a social entity in their own right.

No. 02

Teams fulfil complex tasks in line with the company’s objectives.

No. 03

Teams are more than just a working unit made up of several people who work together on a task.

No. 04

Teams work cooperatively on their goal or task over time against a background of mutual support.

No. 05

Teams are characterised by their:

  • Group norms & team culture
  • Communication structure
  • Common problem-solving processes

Mini holiday offboarding