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Irren ist menschlich. Fehler zuzugeben zeugt von Charakter. Aus ihnen zu lernen führt zum Erfolg.

Relaxing holiday for the team >>

Need for relaxation:

Think about what you want from an ideal holiday. Psychologist Ilona Bürgel emphasises that this varies from person to person. Ask yourself: What is my personal need for relaxation? Rest, company, adventure, relaxation or play? Focus on what gives you pleasure. According to relaxation researcher Gerhard Blasche, a holiday is relaxing when you are satisfied.


What goals do you have for your holiday? What four to five things do you want to make time for? It’s not necessary to have a well-timed plan, but be clear about your expectations. Make sure that your goals match your need for relaxation: If you are physically exhausted, don’t set any strenuous activities as a goal.


Make your return pleasant. Don’t start with lots of deadlines or the most demanding projects. Leave the autoresponder on for the first few days or block off the first few mornings at work to get your bearings and settle in.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Align decisions with your own North Star

Blog post by Flora Otahal


Clear and specific information requested or offered for the sole purpose of helping individuals or groups to positively change behaviour, grow or progress.

Don’ts when giving feedback

Refer criticism to the person

Avoid statements such as ‘You are (always)…’. Instead, focus on specific actions or behaviours that can be improved.

Don’t question the intention behind the feedback

It is important to reflect on the intention behind your feedback. Do you really want to help or just criticise?

Manage the other person’s emotions

Avoid trying to control the other person’s feelings, for example by using phrases such as ‘Don’t be disappointed…’. Respect their emotions and offer support.

Pigeonhole people

Don’t generalise and avoid stereotypes. Every person is individual and should be treated as such.

Why do you do what you do?

Simon Sinek

Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.


Recognize the light at the end of the tunnel, block out the noise and channel energy into the essentials – not where you are, but where you want to be.

Why is it worth investing in a corporate culture?

Blog post by Flora Otahal