Insights MDI®

Insights MDI® as a personality analysis tool – Do you really know yourself and others?

Reflection begins with questions such as: “What behavior do others perceive in me? What motivates me? Can I change myself?” With the Insights MDI® personality analysis, we support you in finding well-founded answers.

Insights MDI® measures behavior and motives, reveals strengths and potential and enables deeper self-knowledge. As a further development of the DISG model, it also measures motives, emotional intelligence and sales skills – a basis for developing behavior in a targeted manner. The good news: change is possible, because there is no such thing as an ideal personality, but rather individually usable strengths.

Insights MDI® gives teams, managers and organizations a comprehensive view of development potential. The analysis shows how we act in work and stressful situations, how we interact in a team and what roles we take on. It sheds light on value structures, drive systems and explains our behavior – with the aim of building on strengths and consciously working on weaknesses.

What do you get?

  • Insights MDI® individual report (potential analysis / motivation analysis)
  • Insights MDI® reflection handout
  • Presentation with learning content and strategies for dealing with different types

Price of an Insights MDI® workshop

Improve self-knowledge, knowledge of human nature and cooperation

Price per person: € 790, – (excl. VAT incl. seminar flat rate)


Book now and understand yourself and others better

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